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Finaliza con éxito el programa de formación de KAPSOM sobre el proceso de conversión de gas natural en amoníaco sintético

To enhance the comprehension of our process personnel regarding the natural gas-to-synthetic ammonia process and foster a deeper understanding with a focus on lower energy consumption, KAPSOM conducted a specialized training event on December 23, 2023. During the session, expert instructors provided detailed insights into the process overview of synthesizing ammonia from natural gas, elucidating various process routes and their unique characteristics, along with an in-depth exploration of the procedures and distinctive features employed in each section.

Li Yaohe, a professor-level senior engineer, was specially invited to conduct lectures during this training. All technical staff at KAPSOM, along with other relevant professionals, actively participated in this comprehensive training initiative. Professor Li covered a range of topics, including the Kellogg traditional ammonia synthesis process, Kellogg MEAP energy-saving ammonia synthesis process, KBR PURIFIER plus energy-saving ammonia synthesis process, ICI-AMV & ICI-UHDE-AMV energy-saving ammonia synthesis process, ICI-LCA energy-saving ammonia synthesis process, and TOPSOE’s ammonia synthesis process. The training involved a detailed comparison and explanation of the characteristics, consumption, and energy utilization of each process, providing a thorough understanding of the various sections involved in the natural gas-to-synthetic ammonia production.

During the training, Professor Li emphasized, “While the overall process of synthesizing ammonia from natural gas may appear similar, it is, in fact, significantly diverse. Different processes bring about variations in energy consumption and investment. The comprehensive energy consumption of synthetic ammonia is intricately linked not only to the chosen process but also to factors such as the raw gas composition, raw gas pressure, operating pressure, and local meteorological conditions”.

He underscored the importance of adapting to the temporal and local conditions when providing natural gas-to-synthetic ammonia solutions to customers. Professor Li highlighted the necessity of ensuring that solutions meet both customer investment cost control requirements and device specifications. This ensures reliability with the lowest possible energy consumption and emissions, adhering to safe operation standards. This approach aims to maximize the long-term benefits of equipment operation.

The participants attentively absorbed the lecture content and engaged in profound exchanges and discussions with the teaching experts throughout the session. Key points and challenges related to the design and production of natural gas-to-synthetic ammonia plants, particularly under diverse process routes, were thoroughly explored. Participants actively sought advice from the experts, drawing on their expertise for specific project implementations. This extensive training, brimming with valuable content, served as both a business recharge and a motivational boost for the participants. Professor Li skillfully intertwined theory with practical insights, delivering comprehensive professional knowledge to the trainees.

Through such specialized training initiatives, we aim to empower our craftsmen by enhancing their professional capabilities, elevating their skill levels, and keeping them abreast of cutting-edge technologies. KAPSOM is committed to fostering continuous learning and communication among employees. We will persist in creating a robust platform for knowledge exchange, implementing meticulous training plans, and endeavor to build a high-caliber team characterized by strong professionalism and capabilities. Our ultimate goal is to deliver superior solutions to our customers.

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Lynn Dong


+86-183 9558 5584