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Why Biomass Methanol


Biomass Methanol: An Essential Tool for the Net-Zero Carbon Emission Goals

Methanol, as an essential industrial raw material and energy carrier, finds significant applications in both the traditional chemical and energy sectors. Green methanol, often referred to as methanol produced with extremely low or zero carbon emissions during its manufacturing process, stands in contrast to traditional coal-to-methanol production methods. In this innovative approach, carbon dioxide and hydrogen gas can be synthesized into methanol under catalytic conditions, effectively promoting the utilization of carbon dioxide resources.

Green methanol holds immense potential in decarbonizing the transportation sector. It can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by up to 95%, decrease nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions by as much as 80%, and completely eliminate sulfur oxides (SOx) and particulate matter emissions. Green methanol (CH3OH) presents a promising avenue for decarbonization in the chemical industry, automotive applications, and energy-intensive industries. It offers a fresh perspective for the fuel market and represents a new pathway to establishing sustainable industries.

The Impact of the Ocean Warming on the Environment

The effects of increased greenhouse gas emissions threaten coastal and marine ecosystems through changes in ocean temperatures and melting ice, which in turn affects ocean currents, weather patterns and sea levels.

Rising Temperatures
Since the Industrial Revolution, the concentration of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere has increased by over 35%. If ocean temperatures continue to rise, by the end of this century, all the coral reefs in the world may become bleached.
In the past two centuries, humanity has increased the acidity of the oceans by 30%. Ocean acidification makes it difficult for organisms like oysters, crabs, sea urchins, and others to maintain their calcified structures.
Changes in Ocean Currents
Slowing ocean currents can lead to significant changes in Earth’s atmosphere, subsequently impacting weather patterns and causing extreme weather fluctuations.
Marine life relies on the oxygen dissolved in seawater for survival. However, climate change is causing a gradual loss of oxygen in the oceans.
Marine Food Chain Collapse
Marine organisms, from large fish to small blue algae, already facing pressures from overfishing and pollution, are now also affected by climate change.

Facilitating Diversified Energy Development

Green methanol finds extensive applications in the industrial sector, such as serving as a raw material for plastic production and as a potential sustainable fuel in the maritime industry. According to the Methanol Institute, green methanol can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 60-95% compared to traditional fuels like gasoline or diesel. It also has lower sulfur content, reducing emissions of sulfur oxides that contribute to air pollution and acid rain.

It is a versatile fuel that can be used in internal combustion engines, hybrid vehicles, fuel cell vehicles, and ships. It remains in liquid form at ambient temperatures and pressures, making it easy to store, transport, and distribute. It is compatible with existing distribution infrastructure and can be blended and stored alongside traditional fuels.
Furthermore, green methanol-related projects are being implemented in various locations worldwide, indicating the potential for rapid expansion in the global green methanol market.